Discover top-line information about the payments industry. E.g: What is an issuer? What is an acquirer? What are the roles of PSPs, schemes, regulators, business models, etc
Please be aware this training can only be completed on desktop due to its functionality
Elevate your travel payments business strategy to new heights
Improve your knowledge of travel payments by enrolling in the Outpayce Payments Academy. You will emerge with a detailed understanding of payments terminology, processes and concepts and how they apply to the unique travel ecosystem. Whether you’re new to the world of travel payments or a seasoned veteran, there’s a suitable course for you. And, with on-demand online training and face-to-face seminars available, you can learn in the way that suits you best.
Who can benefit from Payments Academy?
New payments learners
Someone who’s just started in payments and requires a basic understanding of the industry, its players and the overall landscape.
Payments improvers
Someone who has been in payments for a while and learnt about the industry by other generic sources of information, by internal training or by simply doing the job (less than 5 years in travel payments).
Someone that has a good understanding of the travel payments industry but needs training in specific areas.
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